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Your Safety Matters

Students, faculty and staff must all obtain parking hang tags to park on campus in designated spaces. Temporary visitors must also obtain temporary hang tags to park on campus. Failure to display a current university hang tag, and/or improper parking, may result in a parking citation and fine. Fine out more about fine assessments.

University Parking Program Coordinator – Amanda Peloquin 

Parking Hang Tags

To obtain a parking hang tag, first log in to Banner Self-Service and select Parking Decal from the Registration menu. Once you have paid for your decal, visit the McNeese Police Department between 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Thursday and 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Friday.

Parking Hang Tags for Faculty and Staff

Parking agreement and payroll deduct form available for faculty and staff parking hang tags.

Various parking lots on campus have specific uses and permit requirements. Please review the current Campus Parking Map for designations.

A vehicle registration permit authorizes persons to park in the zones to which they are entitled only if space is available. A parking space is not guaranteed in those zones. Additional space is available for all persons in the stadium parking area.

Citation Appeals

Although all parking and traffic citation appeals will be considered, the following grounds are typically insufficient on their own:

  • Unawareness of signage
  • Lack of knowledge or understanding of the regulations
  • Legal parking space was unavailable
  • Improper display or failure to display current parking hang-tag
  • Inclement weather
  • Late arrival for class, meeting, or appointment
  • Parking in a handicapped space without the appropriate State and/or university documentation
  • Parking in a fire lane for any length of time (no matter how brief)

To appeal a parking citation, you must fill out an e-Appeal Form within 7 days. All fields must be filled in to be considered for appeal, and improper e-Appeal forms may be rejected by the appeals committee. Failure to file a formal appeal within 7 days time limit shall constitute a forfeiture of all appeal privileges.

You will be notified of the outcome of your appeal via e-mail. The decision of the appeal committee is final.

Temporary Visitor Parking Hang Tags

Temporary visitor parking hang tags can be obtained at the front counter of the McNeese Police Department from 7:45 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday. If the hang tag is for a visiting official, lecturer, guest or speaker for a university event, the sponsoring group or staff member can contact Amanda Peloquin before the event to have a temporary hang tag mailed to the individual.

Requesting Special Parking Arrangements for Events or Parking Lot Closures for Special Events

If your department or university organization is hosting a large event and will require a parking lot closure, arrangements to off-load and stage buses, or you anticipate a large number of vehicles attending an event, contact Amanada Peloquin to arrange for coning off parking spaces, closing lots, etc. It is important that these arrangements are made as early as possible so that the campus community can be notified about parking changes. It is suggested that at least 3 weeks of prior notice is given.

Visit out FAQs for answers to other frequently asked questions on parking.


For 85 years, McNeese State University has been trusted and respected as an institution of innovation and academic excellence. Ranked as one of the top public universities in the United States and one of the finest regional universities in the South


For 85 years, McNeese State University has been trusted and respected as an institution of innovation and academic excellence. Ranked as one of the top public universities in the United States and one of the finest regional universities in the South

Student Life

For 85 years, McNeese State University has been trusted and respected as an institution of innovation and academic excellence. Ranked as one of the top public universities in the United States and one of the finest regional universities in the South